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Winner of the peoples’
choice soap awards

This is not a flower – it’s soap. If you haven’t tried SoapEss, you don’t know soap.

Favours they will never forget.
in our store
years of
The “Ess” in SoapEss makes it essential

Made with care

Hand-crafted with specific essential oils.
a class of its own

Classy favours for any occasion

Hand-crafted soap and infused with essential oils, soapEss is perfect for any occasion. It is the scent in the oils and special moulding that makes all the difference.
A classy gift for the birth of a child, or go the extra mile and mould the exact footprint of a child in playdoh and then adapt to soap.
You would be forgiven if you thought this was a flower. Our soaps are like beautiful flowers.
years of
What’s New

Ever heard of oud (agar) in soap? The Egyptian oud is unlike any other.


SoapEss is the exception to the rule.
Soap that looks like flowers.

High Quality

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Fast Delivery

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Best Warranty

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